<time lang="6BUqFjBu"></time><var date-time="nTSg"></var><legend lang="nAzZOP"></legend><area lang="YHrlHp"></area><i lang="Mi4BXM"></i><sub id="c8gYYp1y"></sub><u dir="4Z91BQ"></u>


<time lang="yjf6"></time><var date-time="Pyyizmn"></var><legend lang="OkiR3pB"></legend><area lang="8OjPZ0G"></area><i lang="oc9"></i><sub id="mFOM"></sub><u dir="4zf1"></u>



  • 发布:



imToken is a popular cryptocurrency wallet that has been gaining traction in recent years. The wallet has been praised for its user-friendly interface and high level of security. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and has been downloaded by millions of users worldwide. Recently, imToken released a new version of its iOS app, which includes several new features and improvements. The most notable of these is the addition of support for the Ethereum Name Service (ENS). ENS is a decentralized domain name system that allows users to register human-readable names for their Ethereum addresses. This makes it easier for users to send and receive Ethereum, as they can now use a simple name instead of a long and complex address. In addition to ENS support, the new version of imToken also includes a redesigned wallet interface. The new interface is more intuitive and user-friendly, making it easier for users to manage their cryptocurrency holdings. The app also includes a new feature called "imKey", which is a hardware wallet that can be used to store and manage cryptocurrency offline. Overall, the new version of imToken is a significant improvement over the previous version. The addition of ENS support and the redesigned wallet interface make the app more user-friendly and accessible to a wider audience. The inclusion of imKey also adds an extra layer of security for users who want to store their cryptocurrency offline. One potential downside of imToken is that it is primarily focused on the Chinese market. While the app is available in English, the majority of its users are based in China. This could make it difficult for users outside of China to find support or resources if they encounter any issues with the app. Despite this, imToken remains a popular choice for cryptocurrency users worldwide. Its user-friendly interface, high level of security, and support for ENS make it a great option for anyone looking to manage their cryptocurrency holdings on their mobile device. If you're looking for a reliable and easy-to-use cryptocurrency wallet, imToken is definitely worth checking out.


<time lang="S7207lO"></time><var date-time="RImCGr"></var><legend lang="0t057"></legend><area lang="Qff"></area><i lang="jirzD9"></i><sub id="883bg6"></sub><u dir="P2CVw"></u>